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How Eating a Good Breakfast Can Help your Child's Academic Success

Research shows a direct correlation between eating a healthy breakfast and academic success. Children who take in a well-balanced morning meal before the school day begins demonstrate stronger reading and math scores and lower levels of anxiety and hyperactivity.

A healthy breakfast provides your child with energy so they can learn and concentrate at school.

Studies show that eating high-protein foods generates an amino acid called tryptophan which helps your brain with attention, learning and self-control.

Here are some easy high-protein breakfast ideas that you can combine with fruits and vegetables for even the pickiest of eaters.

🌯 Make a breakfast burrito with scrambled eggs, black beans, meat and cheese ⁣ 🥞 Top waffles or salted pancakes with melted cheese and meat slices, instead of syrup or whipped cream

🥜 Spread natural nut butter (peanut butter, almond or hazelnut) on a toasted, whole-grain bagel and serve with fruits

🍞 Serve tuna, chicken salad, chilli or baked beans over toast Using your child’s favourite carbohydrates while adding high-protein foods that your child already likes can help increase their energy during the school day for greater academic achievement.

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