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4 Memory Techniques to Boost Success

Memorization requires our brains to both encode and retrieve relevant information.⁣

Encoding is the process of storing the memory in your brain, while retrieving requires your brain to put the information from your memory to effective use. Both encoding and retrieval are equally important student success, as both are required to study information for later recall during a test or exam. ⁣

Here are 2 encoding tips and 2 retrieval tips to improve your studying.⁣

Encoding Tips:

Read it Aloud ⁣

Studies have shown reading a text aloud helps better encode information into long-term memory. The dual action of hearing yourself and speaking improves memory strength by strengthening  multiple neurological pathways. ⁣

Mind-mapping ⁣

A mind map is a visual diagram that allows you to make connections between the different pieces of information covered by a certain topic. This visual depiction technique strengthens memory as it allows you to see how each part is connected to the whole. New ideas can be easily added without rewriting and it helps keep the learning process more engaging. ⁣

Retrieval Tips:

Teach it to Learn it⁣

Teaching what you’ve learned is an excellent way to retrieve information from memory. It ensures that you have mastered a certain topic and can help you identify any areas that require greater focus. At Scholarly Elite, we encourage our students to teach what they’ve learned to solidify their understanding. ⁣

Practice Tests

What better way to prepare for a test than simulating the testing conditions? Writing practice tests without access to your notes is a great way to practice retrieving information. It gives you feedback as to which questions you aren’t sure of entirely. According to research practice testing with feedback consistently outperforms practice tests alone. ⁣

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